Saturday, 24 January 2009

counting crows-accidentally in LOVE~~~~!!!

sejujur jujurnya aku ikut "the next song" as my answer... let see how silly this tag tag going crazy

HaZeL tagged me.. so there u go..


1. Put your iTunes, Windows Media Player, etc. on shuffle.
2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer
3. You must write that song name down NO MATTER HOW silly it sounds.
4. Put any comments in brackets after the song name.
5. Put this on your journal/blog.

so here's the results!

1. If someone says, “Is this okay?” … you say?
(o o o...epitome eh?...)

2. How would you describe yourself?
(---->>> hoh!!! pergh perhaps mende nye?)

3. What do you like in a girl?
Butterfingers-girl friday
(---->>>and again it is me myself and i... ??? mende nye nih... next!)

4. How do you feel today?
(--->>>aiyark!!! terjiwang pulak..apa maksud lagu ni ek?)

5.What is your life’s purpose?
(--->>>membantah aje ke hidup aku nih)

6. What is your motto?
tata young-sexy naughty bitchy
(--->>>uit!!! takkan itu motto aku... oh tidak!!!)

7. What do your friends think of you?
kylie minogue-red blooded woman
(--->>> yo frens... is it ?)

8. What do you think of your parents?
offspring-pretty fly
(--->>> langsung aku tak terpikir ini jawapan nya... pretty fly?...)

9. What do you think about very often?
michael buble-sway
(--->>> let's sway me more!!! stay with me!!!)

10. What is 2 + 2?
M Nasir-Tanya sama itu hud hud
(--->>> bagus... tanya lah sama itu hud hud... hak hak hak!!! yg sampai hanya 30!!!)

11. What do you think of your best friend?
sugarbabes-hole in the head
(--->>>siapa yang perasan tu... abaikan aje jawapan inih!!!)

12. What do you think of the person you like?
shanks n bigfoot-sweet like a chocolate
(---ya ya sweet like chocolate!!!)

13. What is your life story?
Juliet The Orange - Ode From The Psychopath
(oh oh)

14. What do you want to be when you grow up?
robbie williams n nicole kidman-Something stupid like i love u
(--->>>andai je lah kn... aku kecik masa nih...)

And afterwards we drop into a quiet little place
And have a drink or two
And then I go and spoil it all, by saying something stupid
Like: I love you


15. What do you think of when you see the person you like?
butterfingers-faculties of mind!!!
(--->>>ha ha ha... bantai aje lah...layan...)

16. What will you dance to at your wedding?
Inner Circle - Sweet ( A La La La Long)
"But before I make my move
My emotions start running wild
My tongue gets tied
And that's no lie"

ngeh ngeh ngeh.. apa lagi mari lah kita berjoget!!!)

17. What will they play at your funeral?
(ada ke lagu chilly ca ca-ni tak masuk akal!!!
aku tak nak mati lagi... so lambat lagi nak tanam tanam...nak kumpul pahala dulu...tak yah lah layan soklan nih...)

18.What is your hobby/interest?
the beatles-i wanna hold ur hand
(--->>> waktu lapang aku suka, aku minat sgt nak pegang tangan dia... haip!!! dh kawen kan!!. ;-P..amik ko!!! tak dek keje nak pegang tangan nih... tidur lagi bagus)

19. What is your biggest fear?
(--->>>pergh!!! lu pk la sendiri..
"malu ku nak cerita... kerna ku tak mau kau baca rahsia ku...gejolak di dunia batinku!!!
pergh sekali lagi... kena aje ek!!!!" eh ini bukan takut nih.. nih malu daaaa)

20. What is your biggest secret?
pretty ugly-bidadari
(--->>> belilah bidadari dari DCL.. baru tau apa rahsia nya...huhu...
wak lu.. .apehal ada kaitan jek nih!!!... rahsia akan terbongkar tak lama lagi..tgu!!!)

21. What do you think of your friends?
kelly clarkson-since u've been gone
(-->>> hurm...)

22. What will you post this as?
counting crows-accidentally in LOVE~~~~!!!
(--->>>ha ha ha kira lah gagak gagak yang tak sengaja jatuh cinta!!!)

orang2 untuk di tag :
x-kyuem - muhd fazdhly
PTM/PTD-Batik Pink
Misako's Life


  1. salam perkenalan miss (eh cik puan..) ellaDisabellajillianDEjill...
    kalau tak salah saya la, Miraie tu maksudnya Into the Future, ke Future je.. lebih kurang camtu la. lagu tu cerita pasal relationship between a woman & her mother. saya tatau japanese, tp penah search lirik & translation lagu ni :)

  2. salam perkenalan mu di sambut cik mo'on...
    ooo gitu kiosah nye lagu mirae tu... kita dengar je lagu tuh.. faham tu tidak lah... lagunya menarik... walaupun tak faham tapi lagu tu pandai memainkan peranan... tersentuh je bila dengar lagu tuh
